Thursday, April 28, 2011

What do you wake up to ?

Well for me - this was the sight that greeted me from my bed this morning....

Nooo...not my swollen feet - but the view.

I knew we were close to the beach, I don't think any of us realised just how close !

It is beautiful - no other words to describe it !!

A long trek to the beach.....NOT

Miles and miles of empty private beach...

 The view back to our beach house...

Treated to sunsets like this every night..

Well, our first full day here consisted of lots of nothing-ness. Went in the sea lots as you can imagine - currently a very nice 81 degrees !

Ali caught the rays, I spent most of the time in the shade or in the sea with Lily. The wind has switched in the last day and likely to stay that way whilst we are here. It is nice to have the breeze, and a pretty stiff one too. Mid West America is currently getting completely battered by tornados, and that has pushed the wind on-shore for us. It also means more thunder storms back in the Orlando area so we are keeping a close eye on the shuttle could very well be affected.

If you swam in a straight line out from our beach, in about a thousand miles you would hit Houston Texas and that is where the winds are being pushed from - straight across the Gulf Of Mexico.

Out for a lovely meal at a local fish restaurant called Flounders ( Ali in her element as she cant wait to start eating loads of fish ) - live music, eating outdoors and still 80 degrees at 10pm. Before we went, we were treated to the nightly occurance of a beautiful sunset, and when we got back, Ali and I sat on our veranda looking at the millions of stars that shine - what a lovely place.

More of the same tomorrow me thinks....a bit more cloud expected but that suits us fine as 90 degrees on a beach with no cover is HOT HOT HOT.

Lily and I looking forward to collecting some of the millions of shells along the shore-line, and also collecting sharks teeth, there are literally millions of them from pre-historic times that wash up along here....she is very excited about that !

Not had chance to spot the dolphins that move through the area yet, and also the daily appearance of a manatee. Turtles are about to start landing too - it would be too much to ask for to witness that event one night...!

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