Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Friday - A day of rest & Lily gets new hair !

Well - trust me when I tell you that yesterday @ DisneyWorld was utterly exhausting - well it was for me anyway !!

My feet and ankles have swollen up a bit, and are killing me ! Too much walking and too much sweating !

We couldn't possibly do another park today, we are all physically knackered and didn't wake up until gone 10am so another lazy day around the pool is in order.

We have daily visitors to the pool screen which is highly amusing..

So, an easy day around the house, Lily in the pool, Ali soaking up some sun, and daddy working out if there is somewhere fun we could go to tonight. What I really wanted, was the sort of fun place you see on all the american films - funfairs and candy floss sort of place ( and the sort of place that doesn't cost $250 dollars to get in to ! ) Well, i found it - Old Town Orlando & Fun Spot....just what I was looking for !

We set off late-ish afternoon and visited a huge mall first for some shopping, and then on to Old Town. It is a few streets that are closed off for cars, with fantastic little shops galore selling everything from surfy beach gear, to puppets, to oddities and cowboy hats, to tattoo's and clothes. A real buzzy place with neon everywhere and bars and restaurants all with open fronts and music blaring out. They have a huge stage with live music, and a car cruise of really old classic american cars at about 9pm that proudly drive along at 2 miles an hour with flags waving - all very american !

So....we found a little hair shop that were braiding on the street - and Lily jumped at the chance and drew quite a crowd as she sat and had this done....

A half head of braid is now her look - and she is very proud of it....rightly so, she looks gorgeous !

It was a fabulous evening, 3 funfairs all converged into 1...we rode roller coasters, raced go-karts and had cotton candy.....then at midnight, we came across the 'Sling-Shot'.

Now....for those that DON'T know a SlingShot....see here for the details :

Now do you understand ??

It is a reverse bungy....fired UP from the ground rather than dropped from above.

Fired 325 feet up to be just over 1 second...

So who do you think could possibly want to ride it ??

See here for the evidence - I couldn't believe it !!

Well....if I didn't see it with my own eyes, and hear it with my own ears...I would never have believed it !

It rounded off a fantastic evening...lots of fun and laughs....

...but oh my god, my feet are killing me - AGAIN !

Half midnight home, feet hung in the pool to try and contain the swelling.....and Universal Studios tomorrow to look forward to !

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