Saturday, April 30, 2011

ShuttleCocks, Bugs and Blessed by the Pope

Hi from the beach !
I thought I would bring you bang up to date - it is 7pm on Friday 29th April and I have a cold beer and 10 minutes before we head off to eat to let you know what we have been up to.

We went to Flounders to eat on Wednesday night, and as I mentioned before, Lily instantly made friends with the band - and became part OF the band. Tamberine and Shaker in hands...she sat and accompanied them for a few songs - as always, quite the prima-donna and happt to be centre of attention.

Whilst the evening was the end of the evening, and certainly Thursday morning, it wasn't so great for me. I had been bitten. Lots.

It isn't unusual for me to attract mossies, and I guess I thought being near the coast, all was ok. I was wrong. Very wrong and ended up with a dozen or so bites all over my feet and ankles. As I sit here Friday evening, it is very painfull and quite depressing. They are very itchy, swollen ( on my already very swollen feet ! ) and starting to weep and go a bit horrible. I need to get off to the pharmacy tomorrow for anti-histermine tablets before they start tracking me. I have put on jeans, socks and ( just about ) trainers tonight in a hope to protect them. We are pretty sure it isn't anything in the house so it must have been the restuarant - little buggers !!

So, I already told you about Judy & Fred, well the picture below is of Patricia ( and Gary ) our neighbours to the left of us as we look from the sea.

Lovely couple who believe it or not have been renting since last November and show no signs of going home !

Anyway....they are a pair of old soaks just like Judy & Fred so can understand how they all get on so well together. The picture of Patricia below, is her normal daily and nightly pose and position - sitting IN the sea with champagne....she will be there when we get back tonight at 10 or 11pm believe it or not....dotty old mare.

It was a shame to wave off Judy and Fred yesterday morning - email addys exchanged it might be nice to think next year we can meet them again for a little longer this time - we can imagine night after night of boozy evenings and loads of laughs. Judy took to Lily deeply ( the daughter she never had ) and gave her a rather special gift as they left. A solid silver pendant that she had been lucky enough to have had personally blessed by the Pope when she met him. Rather a special gift that Lily doesn't want to take off. Very touching of Judy, lovely people that we knew for only 72 hours, but felt much longer....


Just before we head out for something to eat...

BUGS !! Literally thousands of them covering our whole veranda and porch, doors, windows, floors - everywhere !!

It is a bit like flying ant day back in the UK, but much much worse !!  They don't bite, but are a complete pain !!

( actual size ! )

( I just managed to take this picture before they decided to scrub the launch )

Well as you can imagine, we are pretty gutted about the shuttle ( or shuttlecock as Lily insists calling it ) being scrubbed until at least Monday, even moreso as we had just arrived at the site after a 4 hour drive !! Grrrrr.   I have a feeling we won't get to see it..not sure they even believe it will go up on Monday and we are home Tuesday. We were really looking forward to it....never mind.fingers crossed for Monday although I don't think the girls are likely to make the trip again if it is on.

So there you go, bang up to date from us. It is Saturday morning, Lily and Ali are in the sea and I am about to go and join them. Sun is out, no cloud or wind to be seen, another hot day in our little bit of paradise !

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